"Criminal Lu Yanshi" Tops Best-Seller Lists in China
My novel The Criminal Lu Yanshi 陆犯焉识 is number one or number two best-seller in the fiction category for late May/early June 2014, as...
Novellas, Short Stories, Biography and Essays
Novellas, Short Story and Essay Collections, Biography (Note: this part is incomplete because many stories have been re-anthologized...
July 7, 2014: Wall Street Journal Blog "China Real Time" on "The Criminal Lu Yanshi"
July 7, 2014: Interview in the Wall Street Journal blog "China Realtime": Writing China: Yan Geling, ‘The Criminal Lu Yanshi
MAKERS China: Video Profile
VIdeo profile done by MAKERS China and AOL. http://www.makers.com/china/yan-geling

This is the title of your first image post
To create your first image blog post, click here and select 'Add & Edit Posts' > All Posts > This is the title of your first image post....