Author and Screenwriter 作家
Geling Yan 嚴歌苓

Honors and Awards 獎勵
In reverse chronological order:
Chinese Film and Television Literature Award, from World Chinese Weekly and KF Times Group, Inc., March 2, 2022, for her novel [Shanghai] Dancing Man. 首届华人影视文学成就奖,为了长篇小说《[上海]舞男》,世界华人周刊与北京科发影视传媒有限公司,2022年3月2日。
Author of the Year for 2018, awarded by PORTRAIT Magazine. 《人物》杂志,2018一年年度作家。
Novel Prize for 2017 for Fang Hua 芳华, Yang Cheng Wan Bao羊城晚报,小说奖 2018-04-17.
Author of the Year for 2017 for Fang Hua 芳华, Nan Fan Du Shi Bao; 南方都市报,年度作家奖 2018-04-21.
Second Prize for Best Author of the Year 2015 for Bedside Shore, Dangdang.com. 2015年度最佳作家二等奖,当当网。
Third Prize for Best Scriptwriter of the Year 2015, China Central Television, for TV series Theater and Graduation Song. 2015年度编剧为《剧场》和《毕业歌》,中央电视台。
Hundred Flowers Award for Best Novel (tied with another author) for My Beautiful Teacher, June 27, 2015. 获得白话文学奖为长篇小说《老师好美》。
One of "Ten Best (Chinese-language) Novels of 2014" (placed at number seven) for Macau is a City, Yazhou Zhoukan (Asia Weekly), January 2015. 二零一四年亞洲週刊十大小說, 《媽閣是座城》嚴歌苓(美國),第七。
"Mao Tai Cup" for Excellent Novel for Macau is a City, People's Literature Publishing House, November 15, 2014. (The company that makes Mao Tai liquor is the corporate sponsor for this award.) 《茅台杯》优秀长篇小说,为《妈阁是座城》,人民文学出版社,2014年11月15日。
Jing Hua Award 京华奖 (Beijing Overseas Chinese Award). One of 29 overseas Chinese honored in a biennial ceremony by the Beijing City Government in May 2014.
Wison Shi Nai'an Literature Prize for Best Novel, Overseas Chinese
Category for The Criminal Lu Yanshi, Oct. 2013. 施耐庵文学奖 : 获了第二届施耐庵文学奖为了《陆犯焉识》。 2013年10月。
Best Novel of 2011 for The Criminal Lu Yanshi, Chinese Academy of Fiction Writing, December 25, 2011. (中國小說學會評選的“2011年度中國小說排行榜”,獲得長篇小說第一名是嚴歌苓的《陸犯焉識》.)
One of the ten best (Chinese-language) novels of 2011 for Frost Falls (Shuang Jiang) by Yazhou Zhoukan (Asia Weekly). This novel was originally published in 1995 as Straw-Sandaled Nobility. 小说《霜降》获选《亚洲周刊》2011年十大小说。原名:《草鞋权贵》。
Sohu Prize for Best TV Script for TV series Happiness Comes Knocking, May 2011. 获搜狐电视剧盛典最佳编剧奖为幸福来敲门”.
Biennial Novel Prize for Little Aunt Tatsuru from literary magazine Ren Min Wen Xue (People's Literature), May 30, 2010. 《小姨多鹤》。
Best Novel for Little Aunt Tatsuru from the first Festival of the Chinese Novel sponsored by the Chinese Fiction Academy, May 22, 2010. 中国小说学会, 首届中国小说节, 为《小姨多鹤》获得长篇小说奖, 2010.05.22。
Best Novel, Overseas Chinese Literary Prize, presented by Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China, November 12, 2009, for novel Little Aunt Tatsuru. “中山杯”华侨文学奖, 《小姨多鹤》, 2009年11月12日.
First Prize, Best Novel of 2008, by the Chinese Novel Academy for Little Aunt Tatsuru (Xiao Yi Duo He). 中國小說學會2008年最佳小說 “小姨多鶴”。
Best Writer of 2008, awarded by Sina.com, December 2008. (Sina.com is China’s leading online media company, with 280 million registered users worldwide as of late 2008. 新浪2008年度“最佳作家”). See article.
Best Novel of Past Five Years for Little Aunt Tatsuru, awarded by Modern World Publishing Company of Beijing, December 2008. 五年最佳小说: “小姨多鹤”, 北京当代世界出版社, 2008年12月。
Best Novella of 2006 "Thirteen Noble Ladies of Nanking" from Novel Monthly magazine, May 2007. 最佳中篇小說﹕“金陵十三釵” 小說月報2007年五月。
Named one of China's ten most influential women of 2006 by eLadies @ Sina.com. 2006年“影響生活方式的女人”﹐新浪伊人風采。
Second Prize, "Good Taxation News in 2006," from the China Taxation Magazine Publishing House for her essay "Lament of an American Taxpayer."2006年度稅收好新聞",中國稅務雜志社﹐ "親歷美國納稅人的悲哀",二等獎。
Second Prize, "Best Ten (Chinese-language) Novels of 2006," Yazhou Zhoukan (Asia Weekly), Hong Kong, for The Ninth Widow. 《亞洲週刊》年度中文十大小說>以《第九個寡婦》入選2006中文十大小說第二名
"Best Book" for 2006 in the Adult Fiction Category by the Chinese-American Librarians' Association for The Banquet Bug. 中美圖書館員協會,《赴宴著》,2006年最佳大人小說。
Community Service Award from the Chinese-American Mental Health Association of Northern California, March 7, 2004.
New Century Award 新世文學獎 for short story "The Old Merman" 老人魚 from Beijing Literature magazine 北京文學, November 2003.
Novella Prize for "Whoever has a Daughter Come of Age," from Novella Selections Magazine (China), September 2002.
The Last Daughter of Happiness was among the top ten of the L.A. Times Best Seller List in the autumn of 2001. (English translation of Fusang 《扶桑》。
October Literature Prize, from October Literary Magazine, Beijing, August 2001, for the novella White Snake. 《白蛇》獲2001年第七屆《十月》(中篇小說) 文學獎。
Shanghai Literature Prize awarded 2000 for novel The Human Realm. 獲2000年"上海文學獎"。
First Prize for second half of 2000 in the novella category for "Whoever has a Daughter Come of Age" from the magazine Beijing Literature. Also won fourth prize that year from the Chinese Novel Association. 《誰家有女初長成》獲2000年《北京文學》下半年"中國當代文學作品排行榜"中篇小說第一名,中國小說學會"2000年度中國小說排行榜"中篇小說第四名。
International Freedom Award, 1999, awarded by National Board of Review of Motion Pictures (New York-based organization of film critics) for script of Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl 天浴. Received by Joan Chen.
Critics' Prize from Central Daily News (Taiwan) for short story "Lulu," 1999. 中央日報文學獎評審獎, 璐璐, 1999.
Golden Horse Award 金馬獎 (Taiwan's equivalent of the Academy Award) for Best Adapted Script for Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl 天浴, December 1998, based on her original short story "Celestial Bath." This film won a total of seven Golden Horses, including Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Picture, Best Music and Best Original Song. 獲得民國87年金馬獎最佳影片等七項獎項。
In mid-November 1997, the Chinese Writers' Association held a convention in Beijing called "Discussion of the Work of Yan Geling," accompanied by a press conference, an honor rarely given to a living author.
Winner of the China Times Million (Taiwan) Dollar Literary Prize for novel The Human Realm 人寰, March 1998. 榮獲第二屆時報文學百萬小說獎.
Best Experimental Fiction prize from the Columbia University Scholastic Press Association for the English-language version of short story "Celestial Bath," 1998. (Original Chinese title 天浴.)
Best Novel, United Daily News (Taiwan) Literary Contest for Fusang (English title The Lost Daughter of Happiness, 1995.《扶桑》獲得第九屆1995年"聯合報文學獎"長篇小說獎。
First Prize, National Students and Scholars' Literary Contest (Taiwan) for "Celestial Bath" (basis for the movie Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl), 1996. 《天浴》獲1996年台灣"全國學生文學獎"短篇小說一等獎。
Best Adapted Script for Siao Yu, Asia Pacific Film Festival, 1995. Adapted from her story of the same name and co-written with Ang Lee, the film won a total of seven prizes, including Best Picture. 被改編為電影后,獲"亞太國際電影節"最佳影片獎等六項大獎,包括最佳編劇獎。
Honorary Lifetime Membership in the Hong Kong (Overseas) Literators and Arts Association, May 30, 1994. Second Prize, Asia Weekly (Hong Kong) Literary Contest, for "Story from School," 1992. 《學校中的故事》獲1992年"亞洲周刊小說獎"第二名。
Critics' Prize from China Times (Taiwan) for short story "Red Silk Dress," 1994. 《紅羅裙》獲1994年"中國時報文學獎"短篇小說評審獎。
First Prize, United Daily News (Taiwan) for short story "Across the Ocean," 1994. 《海那邊》 獲1994年第十六屆"聯合文學獎"短篇小說一等獎。
First Prize, Central Daily News (Taiwan) Literary Contest for short story "The Landlady," 1993。 《女房東》獲1993年"中央日報文學獎"短篇小說一等獎。
First Prize for Best Novella, Central Daily News (Taiwan) Literary Contest for "Siao Yu," 1991.《少女小漁》獲1991年"中央日報文學獎"短篇小說一等獎。 Hung Hsing-fu Prize for Best Short Story for "New Year's Eve Turtle," Taiwan, 1991. 《除夕甲魚》獲1991年台灣"洪醒夫文學獎"。
Selected for Scholarship by Columbia College Chicago, 1990. Selected for International Visitors' Program (formerly Young Leaders' Program), a grant and individual program organized by the U.S. Information Agency, which allowed me to visit various cities and meet prominent people in the United States for a month during 1988.
Best Military Novel for Whispers of a Woman Soldier, awarded by People's Liberation Army Daily, 1988. 《一個女兵的悄悄話》獲1988年"解放軍報最佳軍版圖書獎"。
Ten-Year Prize for the Soldier's Favorite Novel, People's Liberation Army Publishing House, for Green Blood, 1987. First Prize for Best Novel, People's Liberation Army Publishing House, for Green Blood, 1987. 《綠血》獲1987年"全國优秀軍事長篇小說獎"。