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Novels in Reverse Chronological Order

Shanghai Dancing Man, Shanghai Literature and Arts Publishing House, 2016. 2016年上海文艺出版社,《舞男》。

Bedside Shore 床畔, Changjiang Literature and Arts Publishing House 长江文艺出版社, April 1, 2015,

ISBN: 9787535479419. The author's preferred title was Nurse Wan Hong 护士万红. This novel deals with a nurse who cares for a patient, a hero of the Sino-Vietnam border war, who is in a persistent vegetative state. Only Nurse Wan Hong knows he is alive and has feelings and perceptions. The work examines the true meaning of heroism versus who contemporary society considers to be heroes.

My Beautiful Teacher 老师好美,天津人民出版社 Tianjin People's Publishing House, July 1, 2014, ISBN: 9787201087245.

Macau is a City, 妈哥是座城,人民文学出版社, People's Literature Publishing House, January 2014, ISBN: 9787020101825.

Buyu’s Mountain Hostel, 补玉山居, Shaanxi Normal University Publishing House陕西师范大学出版社, August, 1, 2012.

The Flowers of War 金陵十三钗, Beijing United Publishing Co., Ltd. 北京联合出版有限责任公司, January 6, 2012. Published in English (Harvill Secker in UK and The Other Press in US), French (Flammarion), German (Knaus Verlag), Dutch (Arbeiderpers), Korean (Woongjin Think Big), Vietnamese (Phuong Dong Communication) and Spanish (Santillana/Alfaguara). Made into a film by famous Chinese director Zhang Yimou. The film, starring A-List Hollywood actor Christian Bale and with a budget said to be close to US$100 million, was a box office hit in China and was featured in Panorama at the Berlinale (Berlin Film Festival) in February 2012. It was nominated for a Golden Globe and was China’s entry into the Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film. To date it has been released commercially in China, the U.S., the UK and several other countries.

The Criminal Lu Yanshi 陆犯焉识, Authors’ Publishing House作家出版社, Beijing, Oct. 1, 2011. Taiwan edition pending. Awarded Best Novel of 2011 by the Chinese Academy of Fiction Writing, December 25, 2011. (中国小说学会评选的“2011年度中国小说排行榜”.) Awarded the Wison Shi Nai'an Literature Prize, in the overseas novelist category for Inmate Lu Yanshi, October 2013. 施耐庵文学奖,海外作家,为了“陆犯焉识”。

Iron Pear Blossoms. Finished and expanded an original unpublished film script by the author’s father Yan Dunxun (pen name Xiao Ma) into a novel, published by Shaanxi Normal University Press, March 2010. Subsequently made into a TV series. 长篇小说《铁梨花》(源自严敦勋(笔名:萧马)电影剧本:铁梨花):陕西师范大学出版社...  出版时间:2010年03月.

The Banquet Bug (written directly in English), Hyperion Books, July 1, 2006. Published in UK by Faber and Faber as The Uninvited. Translations published in Czech (Kniha Zlin Euro), Hebrew (Yediot Aharonot), Thai (Sangdad), Vietnamese (Phuongnam). The novel was translated into Chinese, both traditional and simplified character editions, the former by San Min Books三民书局and the latter by Shaanxi Normal University Publishing House陕西师范大学出版社, both under the title赴宴著 (The Banquet Goer). Awarded Best Book for 2006 in the Adult Fiction Category by the Chinese-American Librarians’ Association中美图书馆员协会, 2006年最佳大人小说.

The Sojourner 寄居者, published by Shaanxi Normal University Publishing House陕西师范大学出版社, previously published by New Star Publishing 新星出版社, 2009. Inspired by a real case documented at the Museum at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin, in which a West Berlin man found a West Berlin woman who looked like his East Berlin fiancée, lured her to East Berlin, then helped his fiancée escape East Berlin using the West Berlin woman’s documents. In this novel, a Chinese-American woman finds a German man who looks like her German-Jewish fiancée and lures him to the Jewish ghetto in occupied Shanghai to carry out the same sort of ruse – and in the process develops a strong attraction to the man she is trying to dupe.

Little Aunt Tatsuru 小姨多鹤, published by Authors’ Publishing House作家出版社, April 1, 2008. Taiwan traditional Chinese character edition published by San Min Books 三民书局. Won the Biennial Novel Prize from literary magazine Ren Min Wen Xue (People's Literature), May 30, 2010. Named Best Novel by the first Festival of the Chinese Novel sponsored by the Chinese Fiction Academy, May 22, 2010. 中国小说学会, 首届中国小说节,获得长篇小说奖. Best Novel, Overseas Chinese Literary Prize (the “Zhongshan Cup”), presented by Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China, November 12, 2009. “中山杯”华侨文学奖, 《小姨多鹤》, 2009年11月12日. The book was made into a popular TV series in China. Best Novel of 2008, by the Chinese Novel Academy. 中国小说学会2008年最佳小说 “小姨多鹤”。Best Novel of the Past Five Years, awarded by Modern World Publishing Company of Beijing, December 2008. 五年最佳小说: “小姨多鹤”, 北京当代世界出版社, 2008年12月。

The Ninth Widow 第九个寡妇, Authors’ Publishing House作家出版社, March 1, 2006, ISBN: 9787506335461. Taiwan traditional Chinese character edition published by Chiu Ko Publishing 九歌出版有限公司, Sept 6, 2006. The novel was adapted into a popular TV series in China starring acclaimed Chinese actress Ye Xuan 叶 璇. Ediciones Santillana published an excellent Spanish translation by Nuria Pitarque Ledesma. Vietnam Culture & Information published an unauthorized, uncompensated version of it in Vietnamese. Italian translation was commissioned by Rizzoli and translated by Maria Gottardo and Monica Morzenti. Rizzoli did not publish the book, but it is currently under consideration with other Italian publishers.

A Woman’s Epic 一个女人的史诗, Hunan Literature and Arts Publishing House湖南文艺出版社, May 1, 2006. Taiwan edition published by Chiu Ko Publishing 九歌出版有限公司, April 10, 2007. This novel was adapted for television and became a popular TV series starring acclaimed Chinese actress Zhao Wei (Vicky Zhao).

The Secret Talker 密语着 first published in traditional Chinese character edition in Taiwan by San Min Books三民书局, January 1, 2004. Mainland editions followed.

No Exit Café 无出路咖啡馆, first published by Chiu Ko Publishing Ltd. 九歌出版有限公司, July 1, 2001 in traditional Chinese character edition. Mainland Chinese edition followed published by Tianjin Hundred Flowers Literary and Cultural Publishing House天津百花文艺出版社.

The Human Realm 人寰,published in Taiwan in traditional Chinese characters by China Times Cultural Publishing House时报文化, Feb. 7, 1998. Has also been published in Mainland China under the title Is the Psychologist In? 心理医生在吗? Winner of the China Times Million (Taiwan) Dollar Prize. 荣获第二届时报文学百万小说奖. Won the Shanghai Literature Prize in 2000. 获2000年"上海文学奖"。

The Lost Daughter of Happiness 扶桑, first published in Taiwan traditional characters edition by Linking Publishing House (subsidiary of United Daily News) 台湾联经出版公司 on August 1, 1996. Hong Kong edition was published by Cosmo Books香港天地出版公司 and Mainland China simplified Chinese character edition was published by Overseas Chinese Publishing House北京华侨出版社. Awarded Best Novel, United Daily News (Taiwan) Literary Contest, 1995. 获得第九届1995年"联合报文学奖"长篇小说奖 . Published in English translation by Hyperion Books (US) and Faber and Faber (UK) in 2001 and made the Los Angeles Times top ten best-seller list for a week in 2002. Other language editions include French (high-quality paperback by Éditions Plon and mass market paperback by 10/18), Dutch (De bezige bij), Portuguese (ASA), Romanian (Minerva) and Vietnamese (Security Publishing). Hungarian rights were purchased by Ulpius, but the book has not yet been published in Hungarian.

Straw-Sandaled Nobility 草鞋权贵 originally published in Taiwan traditional character edition by San Min Books三民书局, March 1,1995. Mainland China editions followed. Re-released as Shuangjiang 霜降 (lit. “Frost Falls,” the name of the main character)in Mainland China in 2011 by Shaanxi Normal University Publishing House陕西师范大学出版社. The weekly magazine Yazhou Zhoukan亚洲周刊 awarded it the prize for “one of the ten best novels of 2011” (2011年十大小说),” apparently unaware that the book had originally been published in 1995.

Female Grasslands 雌性的草地, published by the People’s Liberation Army Literature and Arts Publishing House, 1989. Republished in Taiwan and later re-released in Mainland China under the title The Horse Roars 马在吼.

Whispers of a Woman Soldier 一个女兵的悄悄话, published by People’s Liberation Army Literature and Arts Publishing House 解放军文艺出版社, 1987. Awarded Best Military Novel by People's Liberation Army Daily, 1988. 获1988年"解放军报最佳军版图书奖"。

Green Blood 绿血 published by People’s Liberation Army Literature and Arts Publishing House 解放军文艺出版社, 1985. Awarded Ten-Year Prize for the Soldier's Favorite Novel, People's Liberation Army Publishing House. Awarded Best Novel by the People's Liberation Army Publishing House, 1987. 获1987年"全国优秀军事长篇小说奖"。

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